When will my license be expired?

When will my license be expired?

We provide annual subscriptions for BPT-Pro, EXDXF-Pro and AI Nest-Pro. As for AI Nest-Pro, a subscription service for 3 months is available.
You can check the exact expired date of your contract if you log into your “My Account“ at our Online Store.

How to check your license expired date

1: Log in to "My Account" at our Online Store


2 : Go to "Subscriptions"


3 : Select a subject order


4 : Check your subscription validity

You can check the validity of your license. "Next payment date" will be the expired date of your license.


Subscription license renewals

Since 1st April 2024, you can select renewal process either “Auto Renew” or “Renew by Maunal”.

If you contracted our subscription plug-ins initially by 31st March 2024, the original setting is “Auto renew”. This means your annual renewal will be automatical.
On the other hand, if your initial contract of our subscription plug-ins are on or after 1st April 2024, "Auto renew" is OFF in the default setting. This means the renewal of plug-in will be non-automatic but by your manual operation.

Please check more details to the below link :
Subscription Renewals by Manual Operation Now Available at Our Online Store