Imagination is more important than Knowledge.
-Albert Einstein

I am Igarashi, the representative of Baby Universe.
This quote from Albert Einstein, a figure I deeply respect, holds profound significance for us today. The reason why we should adopt this as our guiding principle is crystal clear.
In January 2023, we completed the development of Vector Generation AI: Beyond Vision. With the rapid evolution of AI technology, especially following the release of ChatGPT-3 in 2022, a global AI boom has emerged, along with an increasingly severe shortage of CAD engineers. As a result, we have received numerous development requests leveraging our technology.
However, the spread of AI brings with it concerns. One of our clients' CAD engineers voiced their worry: "Does this mean our skills will no longer be needed?" There is a growing fear that AI will take over jobs.
This is why we must reflect deeply. Why is Vector Generation AI: Beyond Vision essential? With this question in mind, we have refreshed our corporate identity to reflect the answer.
Amid the transformative wave brought by AI, at Baby Universe, we cherish creativity and are committed to continuously creating new value together with our clients.

Realizing a world where human creativity and AI coexist.

Realizing a world where human creativity and AI coexist.

Maximizing customer value with AI automation.

Solving CAD engineer shortages with vector AI.

Maximizing customer value with AI automation.

Solving CAD engineer shortages with vector AI.

Company NameBaby Universe Inc.
Address5F 1-1-2 Kugenuma Tachibana, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Pref., 251-0024 Japan
Foundation Date4th September, 1992
Business ActivitiesSoftware development :
Plug-in Division - Illustrator plug-in development
OEM division - contracted development of systems and software
Automatic Graphics Generation Cloud Server Business (Service name: BUCAS)
Vector graphics generation AI business (service name: Beyond Vision)