How to set up scaling of BPT-Pro

You can set up scaling of BPT-Pro at your preference. Please have a look at the process below.

How to set up scaling of BPT-Pro

You may follow the guide line below to set up scaling as you prefer.

Set up scaling : Open Illustrator and go to "Illustrator" tab

set up scaling of BPT-Pro-go illustrator tab

Setting : Go "Preference" and "BPT-Pro Settings"

set up scaling of BPT-Pro-go BPT-Pro settings from preference

Set up BPT-Pro Settings :

Set up scaling : Go to "Dimensions" and select "Scale : "


If you do not find your preference setting in the pull-down menu, please do not worry. You can input a figure directly to the space.
For instance, If you would like to show 1 foot by 1 inch, 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. Therefore, you can input scale 1/12 . Then please press OK to reserve.

Please also check and select "Accuracy" and " Units" as you prefer

Accuracy :

You may select what you prefer


You may select what you prefer

Scaling : Check how it works

Let's check whether it works as you designed by drawing a rectangle.

Go and check how it works by rectangle

Select rectangle icon.

Scaling : Let's draw a square with one side 2.5 inches wide

Go and check how it works by rectangle

Let's set up figure W = 2.5 in, and H = 2.5 in and press "OK" to reserve.

Scaling : Let's check how the scale works with dimension lines by BPT-Pro

Let's have a try how dimensions work. Please select Dimension Tools icon of BPT-Pro as marked below.
If you cannot find BPT-Pro tools in current toolbar, you may expand the tool box by selecting Window > Toolbars > Advanced.

Go and check how it the dimension shows-1

It shows 2.500" as designed.

Go and check how it the dimension shows-2

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